If you think anything doesn't have feelings then I think you don't have feelings. We have a dconmon ancestor with anything that can be eaten, and many things that can't too. Everything that is alive has a common ancestor with us. Plants just a little further than humans but like us they breathe oxygen after being cut off their umbilical cord vine

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Archer's piece is now being recycled by SBS. Ugh. Cache here: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oE4tATaLePMJ:https://www.sbs.com.au/news/insight/ordering-the-vegetarian-meal-there-s-more-animal-blood-on-your-hands+&cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au.

I'd be keen to know what % of arable land is used to grow feed crops in Australia. I saw your article showing that Australian livestock eat twice as much grain as the Australian people. Looks like we'll need to keep debunking Archer for years to come.

Oh and the SBS article is stating that George Monbiot recanted on veganism for environmental reasons (which he did, in 2010), but conveniently omits to say that he subsequently recanted again in 2013 when he realised he'd been totally misled by pro animal-ag propaganda.

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